On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 00:40:56 +0000
Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com> wrote:

> At 15:09 20/02/2021 -0800, Nobody Noname wrote:
> >On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 8:27 AM Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:  
> >>The (Excel) file is the draft for the preparation of a 
> >>questionnaire - to be translated into several languages (although 
> >>the one I am currently working on has only 3 languages). Means: I 
> >>want certain columns ONLY to be set to German, while others next to 
> >>it are set to English and Japanese. Applying the language to the 
> >>entire document does not do this trick.  
> >
> >I did a little test and was able to reproduce your problem with the 
> >Column > Format Cells > Font > Polish (which is just the test 
> >language I used). I could reproduce the problem when working with 
> >the document as an .xlsx or .xls file, but the problem does NOT 
> >exist when I used a .ods file. So the issue seems to be specific to 
> >LibreOffice operating with Excel files. You might want to report it 
> >as a bug: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/BugReport  
> Sorry, but you are assuming that this is a problem with LibreOffice's 
> ability to save in a Microsoft Excel format, and that the fault is 
> therefore LibreOffice's. But do we know that it is possible to save a 
> spreadsheet document in Excel format with different columns marked as 
> being in different languages? That's the same question, effectively, 
> as "Can you set different languages for different parts of a 
> spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel itself?" I don't know that you can. If 
> not, the deficiency is with Microsoft's formats, and the bug report 
> should probably go to them instead.
> Brian Barker  

Apparently it is possible,since the OP originally stated:

"The original file is so formatted that there are font settings for 
English and Japanese.
When I work at home (right now) I select the relevant columns and
change the language setting to German."

For that to be the case, the original file must encode the language for
individual columns.

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