At 09:19 21/02/2021 +0000, Dave Howorth wrote:
Apparently it is possible,since the OP originally stated:

"The original file is so formatted that there are font settings for English and Japanese. When I work at home (right now) I select the relevant columns and change the language setting to German."

For that to be the case, the original file must encode the language for individual columns.

I think not. The questioner can change the language setting *in LibreOffice* for part of the spreadsheet document, because LibreOffice provides this facility. When you are editing a document file, you get the facilities the application provides, notwithstanding whether these can be saved in any chosen format - even the existing one. If the questioner then saves his work in .ods format (as he apparently now is doing), all would be well. But if he saves it back into an Excel format, the change gets lost, even when the document is reopened in LibreOffice. Yes: that could be a deficiency of LibreOffice's ability to save into Excel formats, but may instead be a deficiency in the Excel format itself. I have not been able to rule out the latter.

The test, of course, is if someone can find instructions for doing this *in Microsoft Excel itself* or can find or produce a document file in Excel format which shows different language settings.

Brian Barker

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