On 28 March 2017 at 22:08, Nelson, Erick <erick.nel...@hdsupply.com> wrote:
> Try this...

Thanks for the suggestion - there were some nice improvements in here.

> def rng = new MersenneTwister()
> def roll = {
>         rng.nextInt(6) + rng.nextInt(6) + rng.nextInt(6) + 3
> }

You changed my definitions to use "def" here. This seems to be the
thing that makes the most difference in performance. I'm really
struggling to find a good explanation as to the effect of using or not
using "def". I had imagined that using "int roll() {..." would be
better, as it explicitly states the types which would help the
compiler avoid the need for generic code. Obviously I was wrong, but
I'm not at all clear why.

Also, if I use "def rng" but keep "int roll()", I get an error "No
such property: rng". I'm not clear why that is.

Do you know of a good resource that explains the difference between
using def and not doing so? I'm currently working my way through
"Groovy in Action" and while the subject has been discussed, I didn't
really follow it. I've also looked at the online docs and they haven't
helped a lot. It's quite possible that my confusion comes from the
fact that I only really have a casual knowledge of Java, so the
precise way classes reference properties and variables isn't clear to
me - if there's some background reading in Java that would help
clarify, that would be useful too.

> int N = 1000000
> def results = [:].withDefault{0}

I never knew about withDefault - that's a really nice feature, thanks!

Thanks for your help,

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