If you use a compiled code - not an interpreted script

- Use Java 8 and the indy libraries and compiler
- Use the @CompileStatic annotation on your code, or on some of it. But you 
could lose some of the advantages of the dynamic code


Hope it helps

Oscar Besga Arcauz
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> On 29 Mar 2017, at 17:46, Jochen Theodorou <blackd...@gmx.org> wrote:
> On 29.03.2017 10:19, Paul Moore wrote:
>> On 28 March 2017 at 22:08, Nelson, Erick <erick.nel...@hdsupply.com> wrote:
>>> Try this...
>> Thanks for the suggestion - there were some nice improvements in here.
>>> def rng = new MersenneTwister()
>>> def roll = {
>>>        rng.nextInt(6) + rng.nextInt(6) + rng.nextInt(6) + 3
>>> }
>> You changed my definitions to use "def" here. This seems to be the
>> thing that makes the most difference in performance. I'm really
>> struggling to find a good explanation as to the effect of using or not
>> using "def".
> basically it depends on if Groovy thinks there has to be a cast here or not 
> and if the primitive optimizations can kick in.
>> I had imagined that using "int roll() {..." would be
>> better, as it explicitly states the types which would help the
>> compiler avoid the need for generic code. Obviously I was wrong, but
>> I'm not at all clear why.
> yes, it is better, but only if primitive optimizations are working... or if 
> you compile static. I haven't looked into why, but in
>>        int n = roll()
>>        results[n] = results.containsKey(n) ? results[n] + 1 : 1
> result is referenced outside the closure and I think that is already enough 
> to not have primitive optimizations in use here. Which means you have to pay 
> the boxing cost from int to Integer and back to int for every call to roll... 
> and then you have again boxing for results.containsKey(n) and results[n]= and 
> results[n] + 1. In that case it looks really much better to just use Integer 
> from the start, thus def has an advantage here.
>> Also, if I use "def rng" but keep "int roll()", I get an error "No
>> such property: rng". I'm not clear why that is.
> you wrote a script, not a class, thus
> rng = new MersenneTwister()
> will set a variable called rng in the binding, and
> int roll() {
>    rng.nextInt(6) + rng.nextInt(6) + rng.nextInt(6) + 3
> }
> this will use rng from the binding.
> def rng = new MersenneTwister()
> will make a local variable and leaves the binding rng blank, thus roll gets 
> into trouble
>> Do you know of a good resource that explains the difference between
>> using def and not doing so?
> hm... I think the page I wrote back then got lost in the codehaus move :(
> bye Jochen

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