On Mon, 2012-05-14 at 17:41 +0200, G VM wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I found out one server generating alot of load on our
> storage.

Likely a script problem, httpd wont cause harm

> Linux 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5 

that is pretty ancient

> httpd     25431    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> httpd     25454    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> httpd     25622    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> httpd     25792    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> httpd     25794    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> httpd     25846    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> httpd     25849    apache  DEL       REG              253,3
> 13 /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS
> ...
> The only other is for sshd and another for vmware tools.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so this is a VM

> If I try to do ls -lh /tmp/apc.Fm8SAS I get no such file or directory.
> Using the access time I would see if this file is accessed over and
> over again. 
> Am I missing something here? Is this apache doing a fstat() call for
> example?
> Or is this file created and deleted over and over again at a very fast
> pace that I can't access it (this seems less likely to me).
> Has anyone seen such behaviour in httpd? Or does someone knows a
> little more of the inner workings of httpd?
> The name does me think that APC (sort of php module iirc) is having
> something to do with this:
> apc.ini:apc.mmap_file_mask=/tmp/apc.XXXXXX
> The config file seems to confirm this.

If you are not sure what APC is then you cant need it and should disable

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