On 31/07/12 09:30, Andy Seaborne wrote:
(same question as yesterday)

A few problems:

1/ Talis are turning off their online service so
http://api.talis.com/... will stop working sometime.  If this is a
paid-for store, that wil be in several months; if hosted for free, it'll
happen in the next few days.

2/ The services have a 30s timeout - if that goes off, you get no
results from the SERVICE.

3/ DBpedia has

... a timeout and the effect depends on whether other people are using the service. (more concurrent queries => goes slower => less work on your query before the timeout)

4/ You can use a subselect to restrict the remote query part:

SERVICE <...> {
    SELECT * {
    } LIMIT 300

4/ Execution is bottom up:

but ARQ's execution strategy is to not do that where possible

The second block:

     SERVICE <http://dbpedia.org/sparql>
       { ?thCenturyClassicalComposers0 rdf:comments  ?comment }

may be executed repeatedly due to the execution strategty of ARQ

but when I try:

PREFIX rdfs:    <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT * { ?thCenturyClassicalComposers0 rdfs:comments  ?comment }

at the DBpedia sparql endpoint I get:

Error HTTP/1.1 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded


On 31/07/12 08:40, Olivier Rossel wrote:
Hi all.

I would like to try Jena basic federation.

I tried this query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?thCenturyClassicalComposers0  WHERE { SERVICE
<http://api.talis.com/stores/bbc-backstage/services/sparql> {
<http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/20thCenturyClassicalComposers> .
  }} LIMIT 300

with the code provided here:
cf http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/jena-dev/message/48130

I get some results.

Now I try this query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?thCenturyClassicalComposers0 ?comment WHERE { SERVICE
<http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/20thCenturyClassicalComposers> .
  } SERVICE <http://dbpedia.org/sparql> {?thCenturyClassicalComposers0
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment> ?comment} } LIMIT 300

I get no result.
But when checking data on each endpoint, I should get some results.

Is there something wrong in my SPARQL SERVICE syntax?

BTW,  being able to limit/offset/orderBy and OPTIONALize each SERVICE
block would be uber nice ! ! ! Is it possible already?

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