For some use cases, the tabular SPARQL select query output formats are not 
optimal. That's true when the results are in fact tree-shaped, such as multiple 
skos concepts with their relations and their respective labels. Therefore, it 
would be highly useful if I could offer the output of a SPARQL construct query 
in a format which a web developer without any knowledge of RDF can immediately 
cope with.

>From Andy's mail on this list 
> I understand that there are issues re. the scalability of json-ld and its 
>suitability for updates. However, I imagine that for a large number of use 
>cases these issues would not matter, and an integration of jena-jsonld into 
>Fuseki (perhaps with a warning hint in the documentation) could be 
>tremendously helpful for people using Fuseki just out of the box.

What do you think?

Cheers, Joachim

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