toString would be sufficient, but there needs to be a way to set this name when the graph is created. Doesn't need to be persisted, and would be sufficient for memory graphs.


On 8/6/2015 10:46, wrote:
Since this is essentially about debugging, would it suffice to require Graph 
implementations to provide something in toString() to uniquely identify 
themselves, or do you really require user-settable or -accessible labels?

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

On Aug 5, 2015, at 8:35 PM, Holger Knublauch <> wrote:

While debugging I often run into cases where I walk through Graph objects (esp 
MultiUnions) and don't really know which graphs they are. Looking at triples is 
often not sufficient. I wonder whether the Graph interface (or at least 
GraphMem etc) could be extended with a String name field that could be set to 
identify the graph. Then people could place a backward link to the graph name 
(or even just a comment) into the Graph object itself upon creation. I welcome 
other suggestions too, or maybe I am the only one who would find that useful?


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