On 11.01.2017 22:10, neha gupta wrote:
> Hello Lorenz, I am sure I have used the FavoriteLeague as Data Property in
> Protege and it has the same URI as other data properties and other
> resources in the ontology ie  http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#
> <http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#FACupGoals>FavoriteLeague.
> I have changed the spelling of FavoriteLeague. to FavoLeague, favLeague,
> but every time the same disappointing result.
> My namespace is also same in whole program:
> *String ns="http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer
> <http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#FACupGoals>#";*
Ehm that's a totally wrong namespace declaration. To be honest, I don't
understand why you don't see this...and the namespace in the rule is
obviously NOT the same then
> favleague is declared as:
>  *OntProperty favleague=model.getOntProperty(ns+ "FavoriteLeague");*
Please tell me, what do you think is the concatenation of the String in
the variable ns and the String "FavoriteLeague" ?

> //All my data properties are declared like this and it works.  For ex: Goal
> property
> OntProperty goals=model.getOntProperty(ns+ "Goals");
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 9:41 PM, Lorenz Buehmann <
> buehm...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
>> Chris is right. It's beginning to become annoying if youalways ignore
>> our advices to show data + the code - all the code. Even now you omitted
>> information like
>> * the declaration of the variable ns
>> * the declaration of the variable favcat
>> And indeed the data. IF you have anywhere in the code and/or data a
>> typo, the rule not "fire", thus no data will be inferred. In your case,
>> I'm pretty sure that data is inferred (you said that Protege shows it as
>> annotation) - but the inferred property is nowhere declared as
>> owl:DatatypeProperty in the ontology. This is mandotory for OWL/OWL
>> API/Protege
>> On 11.01.2017 16:48, neha gupta wrote:
>>> I used like this
>>>  *OntProperty favleague=model.getOntProperty(ns+ "FavioriteLeague");*
>>> Then I wrote this rule:
>>> (?x http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type
>>> http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#Team) "
>>>  + "( ?x http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#FACupGoals  ?goals )" +
>>>         "greaterThan(?goals,30)
>>>          + " ->  (?x  http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#FavioriteLeague
>>> http://www.semanticweb.org/soccer#FACup  )]";
>>> //FACupe is resource in the ontology:
>>> Then
>>>   *inf.listStatements(null,favcat,(RDFNode)null);*
>>> I think the problem is not in typo because I run similar rule for another
>>> data property FavioriteStadium and it also saves in Annotation area.
>>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 6:31 PM, Chris Dollin <
>> chris.dol...@epimorphics.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 11/01/17 15:15, neha gupta wrote:
>>>>> Even this not works
>>>>>  inf.listStatements(null,favleague,(RDFNode)null);
>>>>> Gives the result but in Annotation area of Protege
>>>> COMPLETE MINIMAL EXAMPLE, please. You have so many
>>>> errors & omissions in the code you show us we can't
>>>> tell which one is the one you're asking about.
>>>> If Protege is putting things in the annotation area
>>>> I'd guess that means the thing isn't declared as either
>>>> a DataProperty or an ObjectProperty. Given your erratic
>>>> spelling that's quite likely.
>>>> Chris
>>>> --
>>>> "He could not weigh up which was worse and so tried not to think about
>>>> either."
>>>>                                                 /The Spellgrinder's
>>>> Apprentice/
>>>> Epimorphics Ltd, http://www.epimorphics.com
>>>> Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High Street, Portishead, Bristol
>> BS20
>>>> 6PT
>>>> Epimorphics Ltd. is a limited company registered in England (number
>>>> 7016688)

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