On 12/01/17 10:15, George News wrote:
BTW I think I found a bug:

String b = "http://datypic.com/fraf1";;
Literal a = (Literal) ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(b, 

a = (Literal) ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(URI.create(b));

Datatype[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI -> class java.net.URI]
class java.lang.String
Datatype[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI -> class java.net.URI]
class java.net.URI

Shouldn't both getValue() be java.net.URI? I guess this needs to be fixed as in 
both cases the DataType indicastes it's an URI, so when casting the String to 
URI the system complains ;)

Up till now we've never included a mapping from xsd:anyURI to java.net.URI in the type mapping table. I seem to recall that was originally because of some doubt as to whether, if there was a mapping, it should use java.net.URI or the IRI machinery built into jena and partly because the rest Jena uses strings so much for URI references.

I think you could register such a mapping yourself in your application.

Whether that should be added as a default I'm not sure.


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