Oh sorry. Well, I asked this question to Javed - I know why I'd need
Fuseki such that I can query/update the RDF dataset by using SPARQL via
the HTTP protocol.
I only wanted to show him how much more things he need from his local
Jena application to an remote SPARQL endpoint.

But thank you anyway and sorry for confusion!


> you can either let them access it with sparql and, for example, the
> fuseki client (but other clients can do as well) or you can write a
> program in any language you like and use one of the HTTP clients in this
> language to send a prefabricated query to the endpoint. i do this even
> to load the data, because i like the sparql 1.1 update standard more
> than the more or less idosyncratic API.  the query says then something
> like 
> "INSERT DATA { GRAPH "   < graphname >
>                 " {" < triples> "} }"
> it is - at least for small applications (<1 G triples) and slow code to
> produce the triples, fast enough.
> andrew
Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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