ajs6f kirjoitti 02.03.2018 klo 16:01:
> Is this worth including in the distribution as a file, or maybe just in "README"-type docs?

I think it would be worth including - after some consideration perhaps. There is already an old-style sysv init script in the Fuseki distribution after all.

However, I would like some discussion first about what the proper way is to install Fuseki as a system level service on a typical Linux machine. As you can see from the tutorial I linked to from my previous message, it's currently a bit cumbersome to make it comply to the FHS. Naturally the chosen directory layout also affects the systemd unit file.


Osma Suominen
D.Sc. (Tech), Information Systems Specialist
National Library of Finland
P.O. Box 26 (Kaikukatu 4)
Tel. +358 50 3199529

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