This is a misunderstanding, not a bug.  Property functions use the SPARQL 
collection syntax i.e. ( <> “David”) to pass 
arguments to the function which is given as the predicate, in this case 
text:query. The rdf:first/rdf:rest you see in the logs is simply the expansion 
of that into triple patterns which later gets extracted out into the actual 
property function call.  The fact that those happen to be similar to the 
property you’re are trying to search on is purely coincidental.


If your query is not working as expected then the actual problem is elsewhere, 
likely in the configuration of your text index.  So you would need to share 
that configuration and show how you actually execute your query if you want 
further help with this.





From: Alysson Gomes <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 13:42
To: "" <>
Subject: Question about indexing in text search


Hello, my name is Alysson, I am a master's student in the Pontifical Catholic 
University of Rio de Janeiro and am having problems with the indexing in text 

In the attach 1 contains the assembler that I'm using for to index the triples 
that contain the predicate <>.

My goal is to reproduce the query [1] using an index, but the problem is that 
when I execute the query [2] the URI used by the query processor is different 
of the URI that I am using in the predicate, as show image below:

As show in the image above, the query processor uses the URI 
<> generating a result incorrect. 

I want to know if it is possible to change this or if I am doing some wrong.

Since I thank you for the help.



[1]: Query

SELECT ?s ?o


?s <> ?o

filter regex(?o, "David", "i")



[2]: Query

PREFIX text: <>

SELECT ?s ?o


?s text:query( <> "David") ;

<> ?o


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