
That sounds like a great contribution, although it might indeed make a lot of 
sense as a sidecar module, or even built up as a package with Fuseki and 
jena-spatial. Are your modules "pure" functions (i.e. agnostic to backend) or 
do they take advantage of Jena's spatial index module?

JTS is Eclipse-licensed [1], which (IIUC) should be cool, but GeoTools seems to 
use LGPL [2], which I believe may present some problems for Jena (which is, of 
course, licensed as Apache 2.0).



> On Aug 24, 2018, at 2:14 PM, Greg Albiston <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Since the topic has come up. I've put together an implementation of all the 
> GeoSPARQL modules which I was getting around to discussing contributing.
> It has dependencies on JTS, for spatial relations and distances etc., and 
> GeoTools, for coordinate reference system conversions. I think the remainder 
> are Apache dependencies.
> The only item to implement was additional unit tests.
> Would this be suitable for incorporating into Jena or better as an extending 
> project?
> Also, the GeoSPARQL function namespace mentioned by the OP seems incorrect. 
> The published namespace is:
> geof:
> Thanks,
> Greg
> From: Andy Seaborne
> Sent: Friday 24 August, 18:29
> Subject: Re: Spatial distance in Fuseki
> To:
> (PS JENA-664 is the open JIRA for GeoSPARQL) A complete example with imports 
> etc: and also 
> below. This is for doing everything in one java program. It is the simplest 
> way and runs in an IDE for debugging. > My main problems in understandig are: 
> > - where to put the java code and how to name it It will have a URI name. 
> From the example below: // Register the function FunctionRegistry ref = 
> FunctionRegistry.get(); ref.put("http://my/num";, MyFunction.class); using the 
> global function registry (you can have one uique to the dataset if you want 
> as well but the joy of globally unique URIs is that putting it the 
> JVM-registry just works. > - how to include it with Fuseki The example below 
> is the simplest way using embedded Fuseki. It's a plain Java program and 
> avoids the need to repack jar files which for development makes things easier 
> and can be debugged in an IDE. If you want to create a packaged standalone 
> jar file, this is a a template: "basic" is a standalone jar using embedded 
> Fuseki and with a command line interface. 
> It 
> makes: 
>  so using that, adding your own code and making the command line start 
> register the function should work. > - how to call it in the SPARQL query 
> Functions are invoked like: (?Z) which is URI + arguments. The URI can a 
> prefixed name as well; prefixes and expanded during parsing and it is the URI 
> that matters. BIND ((?Z) AS ?X ) FILTER((?Z) = "number") Andy 
> ------------------------ 
> and with slight 
> reformatting: public class FuFunctionEx { /** Our function */ public static 
> class MyFunction extends FunctionBase1 { @Override public NodeValue 
> exec(NodeValue v) { if ( v.isNumber() ) return 
> NodeValue.makeString("number"); return NodeValue.makeString("not a number"); 
> } } public static void main(String...a) { FusekiLogging.setLogging(); // 
> Register the function FunctionRegistry ref = FunctionRegistry.get(); 
> ref.put("http://my/num";, MyFunction.class); int PORT = 
> FusekiLib.choosePort(); // Some empty dataset DatasetGraph dsg = 
> DatasetGraphFactory.createTxnMem(); FusekiServer server = 
> FusekiServer.create() .setPort(PORT) .add("/ds", dsg) .build(); 
> server.start(); // Test query. String queryString = StrUtils.strjoinNL( 
> "SELECT * { " , " VALUES ?Z { 123 'abc'}" , " BIND ((?Z) AS ?X )" ,"}" ); try 
> { String url = "http://localhost:"+PORT+"/ds";; // Connect to the server and 
> execute the query. try ( RDFConnection conn = 
> RDFConnectionFactory.connect(url) ) { // Using Java8 features. 
> conn.queryResultSet(queryString, ResultSetFormatter::out); // Without Java8 
> features try ( QueryExecution qExec = conn.query(queryString) ) { ResultSet 
> rs = qExec.execSelect(); ResultSetFormatter.out(rs); } } } catch (Exception 
> ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { server.stop(); } } } Andy

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