Hello Andy, Greg and all

>> It has dependencies on JTS, for spatial relations and distances etc.,
>> and GeoTools, for coordinate reference system conversions.
Sorry to jump in the middle of the discussion; I would like to introduce
some elements in case they are worth consideration. An alternative to
GeoTools for coordinate operations is Apache Spatial Information System


The use of Apache SIS would avoid the LGPL license issue. The two
libraries have similar API since I was the main author of GeoTools
coordinate reference system engine from 2002 to 2008, before I migrated
to Apache. But Apache SIS is more conformant to international standards
(for example ISO 19162 for the "Well Known Text" format), in part
because I'm a member of the expert group working on ISO 19111, ISO 19162
and GeoAPI in the Open Geospatial Consortium and I try to apply those
standards as much as I can in Apache SIS.

Another point is that both projects implements Java interfaces published
by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) in the "org.opengis" namespace,
but GeoTools uses its own fork of the OGC standard interfaces (without
renaming the packages) while Apache SIS implements the official GeoAPI
3.0.1 release. This will cause a namespace collision if a project has
GeoTools and the standard OGC GeoAPI interfaces together on the module path.

Apache SIS is cited by GDAL/Proj (the C/C++ library behind MapServer,
QGIS, PostGIS, etc) as a source of inspiration for the design of their
new map projection library, for which they raised a funding of  $144,000

If I can be of any help in the evaluation of Apache SIS for this task, I
would be glad to try.



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