On Saturday 13 March 2010 03:47:52 pm Craig White wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 15:26 -0800, Russell Miller wrote:
> > We are *not* irrelevant.  I'm not, and neither is the OP, and the
> > attitude
> > that says we are is the *problem*.
> ----
> #1 - mentioning Red Hat or the NYSE on a Fedora list is irrelevant.
That's true.  But I don't recall you using the pronoun "You" to refer to Red 
Hat or the NYSE.  But I guess that's not really relevant either.

> Relevance is lending a hand to make things better. Bug reporting,
> submitting better documentation, helping others solve problems. I'm
> sorry that you had problems submitting bug reports but I can see that a
> typical user will have difficulty identifying which software is the
> problem and how to make a bug report but try reporting a bug to Apple or
> Microsoft or any other software company and tell me how well you make
> out. The fact is that open source software actually permits the users
> entry/access to the process and problem resolution paths but cannot
> ensure that the user actually understands his role.
I am not a typical user.  I have been a sysadmin for 12 years.  I have a 
general idea of how a good bug reporting and triaging system should work.  
When I submitted a bug that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt was a bug and 
got told it wasn't, I wasn't very happy.  When I made my case that, yes, it is 
a bug, and got told that my report wasn't valid because I put it in the wrong 
place, I wasn't very happy either.  I understand that it's run by volunteers 
but at some point even volunteers should be able to move a bug from one 
package to another, it takes the same amount of time as closing it.

> There are people who light candles and people who curse the darkness.
Yes, and there are people who light candles and have them blown out 
repeatedly.  After a certain amount of time, the candles stop getting lit.

> Marcel is like a broken record - rehashing the same things he groused
> about last week as if yet another 2000 words on the same topics is going
> to be any less of a waste of electrons this week. But I didn't say that
> he was irrelevant or that everything he said was irrelevant. His rants
> are irrelevant.
I see, I somehow stuck myself in the middle of a flame war.  Fair enough.  I 
follow the list in a middling manner and only read things that pop out at me.

> Yes, Fedora is imperfect... it's also an imperfect world. If he or
> anyone else needs help with a specific issue, they are almost always
> handled expeditiously. But if he or someone else wants to draw big
> picture issues, they should at least understand something about open
> source development, software packaging, the origins, the process, etc.
> Otherwise, they are irrelevant.
Never in my case.  Make of it what you will.

But the person who said "if you're so unsatisfied with fedora find another one 
you like" may have a point after all.  I'm not unsatisfied with Fedora, but who 
knows, maybe ubuntu, etc., has a better community.  Shrug.  It's a futile 
conversation anyway.  My lone voice isn't going to change anything.


> Craig
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