On Thu, 2010-04-22 at 10:03 -0700, Wayne Feick wrote:

> One thing I have seen it do, however, is get its caches confused and 
> refuse to show new mail. 

I have never seen that in many years of using Evolution.

> On the calendaring side, on a number of occasions the Palm sync got 
> messed up and duplicated all of my calendar events. For a while, each 
> time I sync'd it would double the duplicates, causing 1, then 2, then 4, 
> then 8 copies of each event. That was a royal pain to undo.

I have definitely seen this. It is so bad that I cannot use my Linux box
as my primary base for my Palm. I have only gotten syncing to work
reliably if I do it only in one direction, so I use a Windows VM as the
master, and sync the Palm onto Linux one way ("Copy from PDA"). This one
is REALLY annoying and it has been there through several Fedora

However, I doubt if this is an Evolution bug, it is more likely a bug in
gpilotd or lower level pilot-link stuff, which means any other high
level user interface program that uses the same lower level backing
software will probably exhibit the same thing.


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