On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Wayne Feick <w...@brunz.org> wrote:
> I've finally given up on Evolution and moved back to Thunderbird.
> I really wanted Evolution to be a good mail and calendar client, but for
> the last 5 years or so it's always been *almost* there. It was
> calendaring and Palm sync that kept me on it for a long time, and the
> promise that proper Exchange connectivity was coming.
> Using an LDAP server consistently causes lockups. The whole UI freezes
> up for extended periods of time. God knows what they're doing, but
> apparently they never learned to separate blocking operations like
> network communication from the UI thread. It often ends up occupying
> 2.5G of resident memory which I can only assume is a memory leak since
> it grows over time.
> I've reported bugs over the years, and they seem to fall on deaf ears.
> When they do manage to fix something, invariably something else breaks.
> Now that I've moved to a Droid, I've switched over to Google's calendar
> and I'm not looking back.

Just to chime in here - I had abandoned Evo too some years ago but I
was recently trying various mail clients again to see how things have
changed. I set up Evo in F12 to deal with my work mail (Imap) and
although not particularly fast when first starting Evo it works ok -
other things that are positive too are that it handles encrypted mail
correctly (with GPG) without needing an extension like Thunderbird
does. It also connects to gmail calendars with the caldav protocol
just fine which is another feature I really wanted.

I am using Thunderbird 3.1b2 nightly and there are issues with the
enigmail extension but it also does have lightning to handle
calendars, using caldav. It also handles html mail and although some
people are very much against the use of html in email it does have its
uses particularly in business areas. Fedora runs releases that are
somewhat behind the nightlies but I do use Thunderbird -

I guess there is no ideal mail client!

mike c
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