On 05/27/2017 06:09 PM, Peter Gueckel wrote:
I opened a second tab in konsole and immediately ran sudo su to
obtain a prompt as root. I ran a program and then I forgot to
exit and just closed the tab. Am I still root somewhere? Or did
closing the tab do the same thing as a proper exit?

First, running sudo su is redundant if you know the root password, as I presume you do. (It's your system, you installed it and assigned the root password.) In fact, the only reason to use sudo at all is if you don't know the root password, or you're running a distro that doesn't normally have a root password.

That being said, closing a tab, or the terminal program exits any and all programs that were active, including the shell, and logs you out, so there's no root session floating around in the void to worry about.
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