The policy means nothing when the staffing is not there to actually do the
tasks.  And clearly there is limited staffing.  And if they are a volenteer
then tell them they arent doing their job and kick them out.  Repeat until
there is no community and you have no staff.  Policy is theory of what
should be done, no one ever staffs anything to actually follow the policy
fully, so things get dropped.  On paid we always get responses in a timely
manner, but we are paying for that and have a sla.  And often the response
is wont fix for one reason or the other.

On Sat, May 30, 2020, 11:45 AM Michael Schwendt <> wrote:

> On Sat, 30 May 2020 11:14:22 -0500, Roger Heflin wrote:
> > You really need to understand the devs actual motivations.   And your
> > are attributing things to Fedora devels that are being funded outside
> > of the Fedora community.
> Please, think outside the box. It isn't helpful to the discussion, if
> you are stuck with your own guesswork of how it may or may not work on
> the distribution maker's side. There are actual policies!
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