On 10/25/23 13:35, Patrick Dupre via users wrote:
rpm -qi $(rpm -qa | grep pubkey)
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#     132
Header RSA signature: BAD (header tag 268: invalid OpenPGP signature: Parsing 
an OpenPGP packet:
   Failed to parse Signature Packet
       because: Signature appears to be created by a non-conformant OpenPGP 
implementation, see 
       because: Malformed MPI: leading bit is not set: expected bit 8 to be set 
in   101000 (28))
Header SHA1 digest: OK
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#     134
Header RSA signature: BAD (header tag 268: invalid OpenPGP signature: Parsing 
an OpenPGP packet:
   Failed to parse Signature Packet
       because: Signature appears to be created by a non-conformant OpenPGP 
implementation, see 
       because: Malformed MPI: leading bit is not set: expected bit 8 to be set 
in  1111100 (7c))
Header SHA1 digest: OK
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h#     137

How can I associate the pubkeys with the package?

They aren't part of a package. They are independent data items. I'm not sure if it's a pubkey or a package.

Should I rebuild the rpm databasis?

That won't do anything. The database is fine, it's the signature of something in it that isn't.

Try running "rpm -qa --nosignature | grep pubkey" and see if that runs without the error. That option isn't documented for querying, so I don't know if it will have any effect.
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