On 06/12/2011 03:08 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> It's been a nice ride these past 7 years with Fedora as my primary OS, but 
> it's time to move on.  My current and future needs are for a support life 
> measured in years, not months.  And CentOS and Scientific Linux didn't 
> fulfill my other requirements.  Neither did the Rolling Release distros:  At 
> some point, support for older hardware must be dropped to make way for new, 
> and the old system "breaks."  I can't have that.
> So, with the release of 15 (I'm still using 12), which would have 
> traditionally been my next upgrade, my decision was finalized.  GNOME 3 was 
> really what did it.  After using it for a while to get familiar with it, I 
> decided I just didn't like it.  And KDE is still a resource gluten--the 
> primary reason I left it years ago.  Considered XFCE and LXDE instead, but 
> decided the best option was to abandon the Desktop GUI environment 
> all-together in favor of a well-featured window manager, simple launch bar 
> for most used apps, floating menus for the others, and a terminal or two.  I 
> don't really need all the other crap.  Not even 3D.
> My primary choice is Debian 6, 64-bit, and Openbox.  I've been testing both 
> in VirtualBox for a few months.  So far, so good.
> I'll still keep an eye on Fedora for old time's sake.  And 12 will stay on 
> the system as a back up.  So, it's not exactly farewell, just . . .
> Auf Wiedersehen,
> B
As was stated in a recent response on this list, Fedora is always in 
test mode, so
will always change rapidly.

You will find that Debian uses very old releases of kernel and user apps 
and libs,
thus much of the new advances are not available for it from it's vanilla 
Also, if you are looking for support over many years, are you sure that 
it is actively
supported and new bugs fixed in this release version you have chosen?

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