On Mon, May 04, 2015 at 01:48:57 +0200,
 Frantisek Hanzlik <fra...@hanzlici.cz> wrote:

Hmm, I guess You want advice me, to bought some strictly limited (maybe
commercial) OS - and then shut up and be satisfied with I have. But this
fortunately is not Linux case...

However it is very unlikely that Fedora will support another init system in the foreseeable future. It would be a lot of work and there doesn't seem to be enough maintainer interest to support this.

If not using systemd is a hard requirement for you, you'd probably be more successful switching distros than talking several people into doing the work of supporting another init system.

I think the init system just isn't visible enough to get multiple groups of people supporting alternative ones, unlike something like desktops where we have something like 6 supported to some degree.
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