Thanks for the link, I wasn't aware that IronPython would not import
pyd.  That page you linked me to mentioned that there was a project for
IronPython called Ironclad that would allow importing of pyd files.  I
got ironclad, imported it and everything started working! Awesome!


Thanks for all the help!



[] On Behalf Of Dave Fugate
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:21 AM
To: Discussion of IronPython
Subject: Re: [IronPython] Hosted IronPython "cannot import" error


Just curious; what happens if you cd to site-packages and try to run the
same import directly from ipy.exe (with the -X:ExceptionDetail flag)?
Based on the fact you can get this to work with IDLE, I'd guess
packetlogic is C-based and hence subject to


My best,





[] on behalf of Blosser, Peter
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 3:19 PM
Subject: [IronPython] Hosted IronPython "cannot import" error


I have been trying to implement a hosted IronPython solution in C#.  I
have been successful at executing basic python code, but  I am having
problems when trying to import a module.


The module I am trying to call is the packetlogic API for a traffic
shaping device, and I have been able to use it with IDLE, but not
IronPython.  (


I was origionally getting the error of  "name 'packetlogic2' not
defined, but I noticed that the sys.path was empty when I ran the
program.  So I set the path to the folder where the module is located
using  AddToPath() in the PythonEngine, and now I am getting the current
error "cannot import PLv11 from packetlogic2.v11.plapi"


v11 and plapi are both folders that are under the packetlogic2 folder in
"site-packages", but it acts like it cannot find them.  Is there some
other  path that I need to setup?  Any ideas?





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