On 09/04/2010 23:33, Jimmy Schementi wrote:
The MSI I downloaded from the link in my previous posts installs to
the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.6 for .NET 4.0 RC\

There is no Silverlight folder as there is in the 2.6.1 download for
.NET 2.0. If I try to add the dlls in the root of that folder I get
the following message:

"You can't add a reference to IronPython.dll as it was not built
against the Silverlight runtime. Silverlight projects will only work
with Silverlight assemblies."

Am I missing something? Thanks for your help.
Since the current stable version of Silverlight is Silverlight 3, which is a subset of .NET 3.5, we 
only include Silverlight binaries in the version of IronPython for .NET 2.0: 
http://ironpython.codeplex.com/releases/view/40144. When Silverlight 4 is considered the stable 
version, which is a subset of .NET 4, "IronPython for .NET 4.0" will contain binaries 
build against Silverlight 4. Note that those Silverlight binaries will run on Silverlight 4, they 
just aren't built against Silverlight 4, so any .NET 4.0 specific features (like 
"dynamic" interop) are not available, but normal app development works.

Ok - so that makes sense. So to use some C# 4 features with Silverlight and IronPython you *will* need a version of IronPython for Silverlight built specifically against Silverlight 4. I guess that means that apps using that version of IronPython *won't* work in earlier versions of Silverlight.

Confusing. :-)

In general versions of IronPython built against (for example) Silverlight 2 *can* use features from Silverlight 3. (Try Python uses IronPython that was built against Silverlight 2 - but dynamically uses some Silverlight 3 APIs if they are available.) As Silverlight 4 includes a different version of the CLR - and not just different API sets - I guess it particularly makes a difference if you are compiling C# code that works with IronPython. Odd and annoying that it won't even add references to earlier versions though. Does *everything* need to be specially compiled to be used with .NET 4?


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