What about using a dual-license (MS-PL _and_ Apache 2.0)? This approach has
become fairly popular, and will likely satisfy each consideration.


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:14 AM, Antonio Piteira <
antonio.pite...@wtvision.com> wrote:

> I just read the document about Microsoft Public License and I think it
> is pretty clear...!
> Obviously everybody knows that there is a license, so it doesn't matter if
> it is Apache or Microsoft just because of the name. Just read the agreement
> and decide if fits your needs.
> I don't see any problem here.
> All the best,
> António Piteira
> ____________________________________________________________
> 2010/4/20 RPEHLM <rpe...@btinternet.com>
>> Use the MS licence and help build a positive reputation for MS.  I get
>> sick and tired of MS being constantly (and unfairly) denigrated, especially
>> when the other lot (not referring to the Linux crowd here) are not playing
>> particularly 'nice' at the moment.  I don't care that MS played 'nasty' some
>> time in the past, most big firms do from time to time.  BUT the past is the
>> past.
>> Robin
>> Expat Brit happily living in Germany (paternal grandfather was killed in
>> WW2 by a U-boat near Galvaston [city refused to switch off lights at
>> night]).
>> Vernon Cole wrote:
>>> Yes, a change to a license which did not contain the name "Microsoft"
>>> would be a benefit.  People have long memories, and Microsoft has a
>>> remembered history of not playing well with others. (My own memory goes back
>>> 20 years to the WordPerfect war.) I tend to not trust the news from MSNBC
>>> simply because of the first two letters in the name.  Unfortunately,
>>> prejudice runs deep in humans.
>>>   Even more unfortunately, Microsoft's policy of refusing to allow
>>> patches to IronPython from outside the company reinforces the worry that,
>>> even though the playground bully may be acting nice right now, he's still a
>>> bully deep down inside.  It really interferes with the desired image of MS
>>> as a team player.  IMHO some corporate Vice President should visit the legal
>>> department and slap faces until that policy gets changed.  But what do I
>>> know? -- I'm just a customer.
>>>  For all you in the development team, keep up the good work!
>>> --
>>> Vernon Cole
>>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Dan Wierenga <dwiere...@gmail.com<mailto:
>>> dwiere...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>    On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Dino Viehland
>>>    <di...@microsoft.com <mailto:di...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
>>>    >
>>>    >   Do you think adopting a more popular license, such as the
>>>    Apache License, would be a good change for IronPython?
>>>    My $.02: there aren't a lot of people that are familiar with the MS
>>>    public licenses compared to the Apache/GPL/BSD/etc licenses. For many
>>>    of them, the mention of "Microsoft" in the license name immediately
>>>    (erroneously, but immediately nonetheless) makes them conclude a
>>>    project isn't open source.
>>>    Adopting a license that people are familiar with will make it easier
>>>    for them to come to terms with the fact that Microsoft can and does
>>>    sponsor open-source projects.  And it convinces them from the outset
>>>    that there isn't some hidden backdoor in the license for Microsoft to
>>>    exploit.
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