
Thanks for making available a new IronPython build. The 2.7 Beta 1
installer has a few issues through:

1. Changing the default installation folder doesn't work: IronPython
will be installed in two places: "C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython
2.7" and the installation folder that you specified.

2. If you have already have CPython installed, IronPython will
overwrite the icon for .py files, but not for .pyc and .pyw files.
Please don't replace the CPython icons or at least make this an
installer option.


On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 2:01 AM, Dino Viehland <di...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Hello Python Community,
> We're pleased to announce the Beta release of IronPython 2.7 which can be 
> downloaded at http://ironpython.codeplex.com/releases/view/48818. This is a 
> major new version of IronPython with a number of significant updates. As the 
> first beta release in the 2.7 series this represents a feature complete 
> release which is compatible w/ CPython 2.7. This is the last release from 
> Microsoft before turning these projects over to the new coordinators [see 
> http://tinyurl.com/24tjztk for more information].
> Changes thus far include:
> * Updates the language to be compatible with CPython 2.7
> * Improves integrated Visual Studio support (IronPython Tools for Visual 
> Studio)
> * Extends CPython 2.7's documentation with useful information pertaining to 
> IronPython
> * Adds the mmap and signal modules
> * Includes a number of performance updates and bug fixes
> * Requires .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4.0
> Python 2.7 includes a number of features backported from the Python 3.0 
> series. This release implements the new builtin _io module, includes 
> dictionary and set comprehensions, set literals, supports multiple context 
> managers in the with statement, and adds several new functions to the 
> itertools methods, and auto indexing for the new string formatting. There are 
> also numerous updates to the standard library such as ordered dictionaries 
> and the new argparse module.
> This release also includes a "IronPython Tools for Visual Studio" option 
> within the IronPython installer. This enables one install to get both 
> IronPython and IronPython Visual Studio support assuming you have an existing 
> installation of Visual Studio 2010. This version of IronPython Tools includes 
> a number of bug fixes as improved WPF designer support. The designer fully 
> supports XAML and WPF including data binding to Python classes dynamically.
> We've also updated the IronPython installer to include documentation based 
> upon the CPython documentation. This new .chm file includes documentation on 
> the Python language and standard library. It's been extended from the normal 
> Python documentation to include IronPython specific topics such as the DLR 
> hosting APIs and extending IronPython from statically typed .NET languages.
> We flushed out more support for missing built-in modules which CPython 
> includes. This release includes the mmap and signal modules bringing better 
> support for interoperating with unmanaged code.
> As usual there are a number of bug fixes and performance improvements. This 
> release includes major performance improvements in cPickle, the sum built-in 
> function, and includes support for fast exceptions which do not use the .NET 
> exception mechanism. There have also been improvements to significantly 
> reduce memory usage of the IronPython ASTs. One of the end results of these 
> numerous improvements is that IronPython's startup time has decreased by 10% 
> when compared to IronPython 2.6.1.
> - The IronPython Team
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