We've been in a difficult place with having two sets of tools for Visual Studio 
that both work with IronPython.  Those are the existing IronPython Tools that 
shipped w/ 2.7 and the newer Python Tools for Visual Studio which are derived 
from the original IronPython code base.  To make things more difficult we've 
been living in a world where you could contribute back to IronPython Tools but 
contributions weren't being accepted back to PTVS.  That's obviously not the 
best environment for encouraging users to submit changes back and today I'm 
happy to announce that we've fixed this problem and we're now accepting 
contributions back to PTVS!

If you're interested in contributing back feel free to fork PTVS 
(http://pytools.codeplex.com/SourceControl/network) and submit a pull request 
for your changes.  Basic contribution guidelines are available here: 
and instructions for getting setup to build are available here: 

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