[There must be someone better to answer this, but since I've seen it:]

Jeff Hammond <jeff.scie...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have no idea what this is trying to tell me.  Help?
> jhammond@nid00024:~/MPI/qoit/collectives> mpirun -n 2 ./driver.x 64
> [nid00024:00482] [[46168,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file
> ../../../../../orte/mca/plm/alps/plm_alps_module.c at line 418

That must be a system error message, presumably indicating why the
process couldn't be launched; it's not in the OMPI source.

> I can run the same job with srun without incident:
> jhammond@nid00024:~/MPI/qoit/collectives> srun -n 2 ./driver.x 64
> MPI was initialized.
> This is on the NERSC Cori Cray XC40 system.  I build Open-MPI git head from
> source for OFI libfabric.
> I have many other issues, which I will report later.  As a spoiler, if I
> cannot use your mpirun, I cannot set any of the MCA options there.  Is
> there a method to set MCA options with environment variables?  I could not
> find this documented anywhere.

mpirun(1) documents the mechanisms under "Setting MCA Parameters",
unless it's changed since 1.8.  [I have wondered why a file in cwd isn't
a possibility, only in $HOME.]

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