Hello Samuel,

Those are great news, I am really looking forward the release of Scilab 6!

In the mean time I've managed to make something that is working (similar to your script). It will be enough until the release.



Le 15/10/2016 à 17:31, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
Hello Pierre,

Scilab 6.0 will propose a new function *tbx_make*(..) that will be able to do exactly what you want:

By the way, it will greatly simplify compilation of modules, and will no longer require many cooky-files .sce like buildmacros.sce buildoc.sce etc etc spread everywhere in the tree of files of a module. On the forefront, tbx_make() aims to replace & merge most of functions of the "modules manager" module, that are rather some atomic internals not really welcome as public functions:

If you use Scilab on Linux, you can already test tbx_make() in the nightly built release (*).

If you are working with Scilab 5, you may use the attached script. Its how-to is in comments.


(*) tbx_make() merged on 2016-10-02 in the master release is still unavailable in the today NB sticking on the 2016-09-22 sources for Windows.

Le 12/10/2016 22:00, Pierre Vuillemin a écrit :

Hi all,

I am trying to make a function similar to genlib but which goes recursively through folders to find .sci files, compile them and put them in a given target build folder.

The idea is that I would like to be able to organize my 'macros' folder while still being able to generate a library. In particular, I would like to have that kind of folder organization :


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