You could declare these documentaion as dependecy. Then use dependency
plugin for unpacking this module. [?]

2009/8/5 David Weintraub <>

> We have a series of HTML based help files that sit inside our
> src/main/resource/help directory. Right now, we store these files as html
> files, and everything is fine.
> The problem is that the people who build these files create the files in
> Microsoft Word, then use a PC program called Robohelp to generate them.
> Every time they generate the files, we get a completely different version
> of
> all HTML and GIFS no matter how small the change. We use Subversion, and
> each time we generate new help files, the people who maintain them
> basically
> delete the entire Subversion help tree, then re-add in the new set of
> files.
> This causes problems with our developers who now end up downloading and
> updating hundreds of files whenever the help changes.
> I would like to simply store these help files as a single zipfile in our
> source archive, and then unzip these files when I do a build. Is this
> possible in Maven?
> --
> David Weintraub


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