Sorry if I did not precise it exhaustively, but in fact taglist 2.3 is
declared in <pluginManagement>, in <plugins>, in <dependencies>, in
<dependencyManagement> and in <reporting> sections as well... (in the
corporate pom). maven-site-plugin is declared only in <pluginManagement>
I also deleted anything about this snapshot version of taglist (metadata and
jar) from my archiva managed repositories, with no change.

What I don't understand is this log :
"[DEBUG] taglist-maven-plugin: resolved to version 2.4-SNAPSHOT from
repository central"

...because this version is NOT in central repository... I really miss some
understanding on maven plugins way of working I'm afraid :(

I understand it's retrieving youngest version, but it should not as I
declared a specific version ?

mkr wrote:
> You have to specify the version
> of the
> plugin in the "reporting"/"plugins" *also*, it is not enough to put the
> version in the
> "pluginManagement" or "build"/"plugins" section.
> The other thing is I believe for plugins Maven is going to retrieve the
> youngest version
> (regardless of SNAPSHOT or RELEASE). cheers

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