The closest plugin would be  I might see if
I can use that one.  

My plugin was written a few years in advance of that one and has some
nicer features, but I might just make do with that so I don't have to
maintain it anymore.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Porter [] On Behalf Of Brett
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 4:17 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: 3.0 Arftifact changes

Ok sorry, I wasn't looking closely enough at the error message.

ArtifactTransformation has been hidden to avoid it being used going
forward. So the options are to seek an alternative higher level API to
obtain the information, or file a bug request to restore the interface.

What's the reason that the plugin needs the transformation directly? To
achieve what you were doing, normally you'd use the resolver, then read
the metadata file through the artifact APIs to get the values rather
than hooking into the transformation.

Also, is this something that could be covered by the
org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin ?

On 11/10/2010, at 7:22 PM, Jason Chaffee wrote:

> Looks the maven dependencies are being excluded in the class realm.  I
am noticing this for all the plugins executed. All of the
org.apache.maven jars are Excluded.
> [INFO] --- maven-version-plugin:1.0.0:version (default) @ cbsp ---
> [DEBUG] com.ebates.maven.plugins:maven-version-plugin:jar:1.0.0:
> [DEBUG]    log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.16:compile
> [DEBUG]    org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]       org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.5.15:compile
> [DEBUG]    org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]    org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]       org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]       org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]       org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]          junit:junit:jar:4.8.1:test (scope managed from
compile) (version managed from 3.8.1)
> [DEBUG]          classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1-alpha-2:compile
> [DEBUG]    org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]    org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.1:compile
> [DEBUG]    com.svnkit:svnkit:jar:1.3.3:compile
> [DEBUG] Created new class realm
> [DEBUG] Populating class realm
> [DEBUG]   Included:
> [DEBUG]   Included: log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.16
> [DEBUG]   Included: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.5.15
> [DEBUG]   Included: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.11
> [DEBUG]   Included:
> [DEBUG]   Included: com.svnkit:svnkit:jar:1.3.3
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-api:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-project:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-settings:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-plugin-registry:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded:
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: junit:junit:jar:4.8.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1-alpha-2
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-artifact-manager:jar:2.2.1
> [DEBUG]   Excluded:
> [DEBUG]   Excluded: org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:jar:2.2.1
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Porter on behalf of Brett Porter
> Sent: Mon 10/11/2010 12:44 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: 3.0 Arftifact changes
> On 11/10/2010, at 5:42 PM, Jason Chaffee wrote:
>> Yes.  
>> The 2.2.1 is configured in the parent pom dependencyMangement.  
>> I remember Jason saying talking about the Artifact refactoring about
a year ago and saying it would not be backwards compatible with 2.0 and
that if you had plugins using Artifact resolution you would need to
rewrite them in 3.0.  That is why I thought this particular plugin is
failing.  I tagged it as something I would need to refactor with 3.0.  
>> Is this no longer the case with 3.0?
> Nope, that was never the case on trunk. For example, the Compiler
plugin depends on 2.0.6 APIs for maven-artifact and maven-core.
> Something is wrong in the way that it is loading your libraries -
maybe running with -X will show how it constructs the plugin's
dependencies and point to the issue.
> You could also try re-compiling the plugin with Maven 3, see if it
builds, then try using that snapshot and see if it works. That would
eliminate a complete incompatibility.
>> Even so, it is perplexing as to why a class would not be found in 3.0
but was found properly in 2.0 with the same plugin jar.
> This is usually a difference in the way the POM is loaded, and as such
the way the the dependency JARs are included in the classloader. The
fact that it's Maven ones missing does make it suspicious to the core
differences, but it also clearly works in other POMs.
> Another thing to check is if the dependency POM is more strictly
validated and failing (you should see something in the build for that),
or if there are some other potential changes like an <exclusion> for one
of those libraries in the tree, or a <optional> flag.
> - Brett
> --
> Brett Porter
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Brett Porter

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