On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Brett Porter <br...@apache.org> wrote:
> Resources are for things packaged and to be used at runtime - that doesn't 
> sound like what you want here.

I think maybe it is because I'm talking about just files (like DLLs)
needed for runtime.  Although they don't need to be packaged.

> This is typically done with a combination of the dependecy & assembly plugin.

I'm already using both of these in the appropriate places.  The
assembly plugin packages up my components (which usually include
headers, libs, and dlls), and the dependency plugin unpackages the
dependencies to below target\dependency.

But now I need another step to copy a subset of the files (e.g.,
dlls), from target\dependency\bin to target\bin that are needed for
runtime.  But I can't use the dependency, assembly, or resources
plugin directly because I need additional logic.  So I'm writing my
own plugin and I just need help figuring out the easiest way to have
my own XML file that specifies the filesets and a couple other things.
 After looking at the mojos in the assembly and resources plugin,
patterning my plugin after the resources plugin looks the easiest /
most promising.

> You might also be interested in NPanday 
> (http://incubator.apache.org/npanday/) which provides several .NET specific 
> plugins if that's the flavour of DLL you are dealing with.

Thanks,but at a quick glance it looks like NPanday is more to help
with the build process, and to plug-in to the Visual Studio IDE, so it
doesn't look like it will help me copy DLLs with special logic.


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