
I guess this has been asked before, but is there any way to gracefully
handle situations in a multi-level modular project where the artifactId
does not always correspond to the folder name of the module?

It's especially about the scm url and connection.

So my folder structure is like this:

+/ = org.test:parent
++/childA = org.test.parent:childA
++/childB = org.test.parent:childWithOtherName

Now the scm url for childWithOtherName will always be the one from the
parent with "/childWithOtherName" appended, and there is no way I can
force it to use "/childB", unless I specify the whole path, which is
tedious with large projects.

I even tried to use ${project.parent.scm.connection}, which evaluates
fine with help:evaluate, but will not expand when used in the scm

Any help?


best regards,

Stefan Seidel
Software developer
VUB Printmedia GmbH
Chopinstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
tel.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 93
fax.    +49 (341) 9 60 50 92
mail.   ssei...@vub.de 
web.    www.vub.de

VUB Printmedia GmbH
HRB Köln 24015
GF Dr. A. Preuss Neudorf, Dr. C. Preuss Neudorf

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