On 21 July 2012 20:51, Wayne Fay <wayne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Plugin that does not have execution defined but it still executes (as you
>>> say you'd want) is usually bound to lifecycle of the packaging in it's
>>> lifecycle mapping. So, unless you write your own packaging (I doubt this is
>>> what you need), you are left to declare plugin _with_ executions.
>> But it is either a well guarded secret how to package a plugin so it
>> has knowledge about when it should be executed or impossible.
> There is no great conspiracy at work here. You simply fail to
> understand what is meant by the term "packaging." Tamás is not saying
> you need to package your plugin a particular way for this to work. He
> is literally talking about Maven's concept of a package (jar, war,
> ear, pom, etc) and how that determines the lifecycle which will be
> used and thus which plugins are bound to the build.

Yes, that was the part I failed to understand.

> Read more here:
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html#Packaging
> If you really want to do this, read Robert's links. It is nontrivial
> stuff but can certainly be done if this is truly what you require.

I have gotten it to work now and while preparing dinner I suddenly
understood what Tamas meant. The pointers Robert gave me was good and
got me in the right direction.

> Most people find this to be way more than they need and resort to
> providing a couple extra lines of configuration in their plugin
> declarations instead.

You are probably right. Adding the extra configuration makes it easier
to execute your own Mojo, but for some reasons I didn't want them
there. I ended up with an additional <extensions>true</extensions>
instead. I guess that's something I have to live with.

Thanks for your help!

Thomas Sundberg
M. Sc. in Computer Science

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