Hey y’all,

I am trying to link one project’s jar to another project.  I am totally 
confused and hope someone can take some time to explain.  I have been 
reading the following pages on the site:

I have the following tools:
  a.. eclipse
  b.. maven
  c.. git
  d.. jenkins
  e.. findbugs
  f.. pmd
my two projects are murmur-events and the other is murmur.  Murmur has a 
dependency to murmur-events.

My murmur-events pom has pmd and findbugs and failures in the mojo s 
preventing installation of the jar.

Here is the dependency in the murmur pom:


Here are my questions, I suppose:
  1.. How can I install murmur-events, even though pmd/findbugs is issuing 
warnings?  The mvn install is failing.
  2.. Where is the local repository where these get installed?
  3.. Do I need to have a parent pom with two modules, one for each project? 
Does this impact where my local repository is?
  4.. Should I specify the murmur-events-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, as a dependency 
in the murmur project, by system file path?
  5.. If the jar is named ‘murmur-events-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar’, will the above 
dependency of the following find it?
  6.. What about setting up an internal repository?  Would that be a better 
  7.. If I have the dependency in maven, will eclipse pick it up?
Many thanks,

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