The problem is also with Java itself.
Let's take a project with a war depending of a jar produced by another
module or an ear relying on several war and you cannot use anymore
something below install (it should be package to at least find the archive
in the target dir and not to have to find it in the local repo)
But yes all plugins should have an update/incremental behavior but it's not
easy to do because there are many factors that may require to rebuild some
parts of your project (You may edit your settings.xml, a pom.xml ....).
It's not (sadly) as simple as one source file -> one compiled file because
of all things possible with java (inner-classes, code generation from
annotations ...) or with some additional libs. The problem is that an
incremental build that mostly work may be worst than no incremental build
at all because instead of loosing always many time to have a secured result
you can regularly lost a lot of time because of a random behavior.
Otherwise I'm agree with the blog post and would dream to have something as
performant as what we can have with make.


On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Stephen Connolly <> wrote:

> And I try to remove such bugs as and when I find them... but yes I agree
> it's a pain... but people should be more aware that it is a hack and they
> would be better served by fixing the root cause... not applying the
> "install" hack
> On 17 December 2012 12:26, Benson Margulies <> wrote:
> > with respect to 'the install hack': If I had a dollar for every
> > occasion where a bug in a plugin or the core required me to use it,
> > I'd be a richer man by a considerable amount.
> >
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