Last month I head the idea to only show the -rf option if you ran Maven with at least the install goal. The next step was to fix this, either with serialization of the MavenProjects or xml-file which could be picked when continuing the build with the -rf argument. Hence, why not work on that second part immediately, which would make the first step unnecessary. Right now it's still an idea, haven't worked on it yet.
Also: don't underestimate the power of the -amd flag.


Op Mon, 17 Dec 2012 17:22:21 +0100 schreef Daniel Kulp <>:

On Dec 17, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Stephen Connolly <> wrote:

On 17 December 2012 15:34, Laird Nelson <> wrote:
I am not saying that you only ever run it with "clean verify"

I am not saying running with "clean install" is considered harmful.

I am saying that *if* you _need_ to use "clean install" then your build is not the best it could be and you may have issues with your build that you
haven't noticed.

To be fair, a lot of the "install hack" stuff I've seen is more historical and related to issues in Maven <=2.2.1.

For example:

build a few modules that result in some jars/classes/whatever
build a maven plugin that uses those modules
use that plugin in later modules

That is likely one of the most common "install hack" cases as that never seemed to work correctly (or at all) without actually installing the jars and plugins. Honestly, until you mentioned it today, I hadn't even tested this case with 3.0.4 to see if it's now fixed. Seems like it is. Time to go update builds. :-)


If you have a big multi-module build and are only working in one small
part, by all means do

$ git pull
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn clean install -pl foo:bar -am (or -amd depending on your needs)
$ mvn clean install -pl foo:bar -am
$ mvn clean install -pl foo:bar -am

Just don't assume that you always have to run as far as install... and make
sure your build doesn't require it also

Just another user trying to do things right,


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