Actually, maven-archiver is a shared component, somehow low-level hence
used by many plugins.

In your case, just configure the maven-jar-plugin


2015-03-01 20:21 GMT+01:00 Ron Wheeler <>:

> This plug-in seems to allow yo a way to add key/value pairs to the
> Manifest.
> manifestEntries         A list of key/value pairs to add to the manifest.
> On 01/03/2015 6:41 AM, Philipp Kraus wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I use Maven 3.0 with the developers and contributors inside the pom.xml.
>> I use also the manifestEntries with the maven-assembly-plugin to add some
>> flags to the Jar manifest file.
>> I would like to add the developer and contributors list to the Jar, but I
>> don’t know in which way I can add a list with name, email, and role types.
>> My idea is that I create a comma separated list
>> list with the data, but how can I create within the pom.xml the correct
>> output list? E.g. the pom.xml stores:
>> <developers>
>>     <developer>
>>         <id>myID</id>
>>         <name>myName</id>
>>         <email>myName@myDomain</email>
>>         <roles>
>>              <role>architect</role>
>>              <role>developer</role>
>>        </role>
>>     </developer>
>> </developers>
>> so in the manifest should be a line e.g.
>> Developers = myName - myName@myDomain - architect / developer,
>> I have tried to define it with
>> <manifestEntries>
>> <Developers>${project.developers}</Developers>
>> </manifestEntries>
>> but this writes only the Java object items to the entry. How can I create
>> a loop / xquery within the pom.xml to iterate over the developer items?
>> Thanks
>> Phil
> --
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email:
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS -
Sauvez un arbre,
Mangez un castor !

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