If you want to just have the information in the jar somewhere, the pom file 
will already be in the jar by default. This is due to the archiver config 
addMavenDescriptor set to true.

See http://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-archiver/index.html for the location 
of the pom file and further archiver config details. 


Philipp Kraus wrote on 01.03.2015 03:41:

> Hello,
> I use Maven 3.0 with the developers and contributors inside the pom.xml. I use
> also the manifestEntries with the maven-assembly-plugin to add some flags to
> the Jar manifest file.
> I would like to add the developer and contributors list to the Jar, but I
> don’t know in which way I can add a list with name, email, and role types. My
> idea is that I create a comma separated list
> list with the data, but how can I create within the pom.xml the correct output
> list? E.g. the pom.xml stores:
> <developers>
>   <developer>
>       <id>myID</id>
>       <name>myName</id>
>       <email>myName@myDomain</email>
>       <roles>
>            <role>architect</role>
>            <role>developer</role>
>      </role>
>   </developer>
> </developers>
> so in the manifest should be a line e.g.
> Developers = myName - myName@myDomain - architect / developer,
> I have tried to define it with
> <manifestEntries>
> <Developers>${project.developers}</Developers>
> </manifestEntries>
> but this writes only the Java object items to the entry. How can I create a
> loop / xquery within the pom.xml to iterate over the developer items?
> Thanks
> Phil

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