1) Why not just let maven build you a jar with everything that is needed to run the jar? That is the normal case. Having people processing dozens of RPMs to run your code seems like a lot of work.

2) Are you using an IDE to develop? Eclipse/STS includes m2e which gives you a very clear window showing what dependencies are required and what is the reason for each one.

What is so different about your application that requires all this extra work?


On 11/03/2015 11:22 AM, Dan wrote:
Thanks again for the help. I understand that what I'm doing is not standard, but I still have to implement. So I know if i run dependency:tree on a simple pom with no deps, I still get well over 200 artifacts downloaded. So I am also under the assumption that the majority are requirements of maven or the dep plugin rather then my app.

What I really need is a way to determine only the deps (and sub deps) for the application itself.

I have two approaches I'm thinking of taking.
1. (Doesn't meet the all the requirements, but gets me out of a jam temporarily). Instead of creating rpms for every artifact, only package up the ones which actually have a jar file in the directory.

2. Parse the output of dependency:tree, and package up only what is listed in that visual ascii tree. (ie: grep '^\[INFO\]'). I'm just don't know if I can be 100% sure that the tree does in fact list everything that I need.

Here are the somewhat sanitized pom files, and the output i'm getting.

# App 1

# App 2

On 03/11/2015 02:19 AM, Baptiste Mathus wrote:
Oh right, I didn't get your meaning. You're right, could be that, indeed.
Should check the plugin sources to be sure.

2015-03-11 7:06 GMT+01:00 Cintia Del Rio <miladyarte...@gmail.com>:

When you invoke the dependency:tree, maven will download the dependency
tree plugin and all the dependencies it needs to run that plugin.

So I'd expect that every jar you now have in your local repository (~/.m2)
is a dependency of the dependency:tree plugin.

On 11 March 2015 at 17:02, Baptiste Mathus <m...@batmat.net> wrote:

Could you rephrase? You think pom.xml is a dependency of the
"dependency:tree" goal? If so, then the answer is no.


2015-03-11 6:59 GMT+01:00 Cintia Del Rio <miladyarte...@gmail.com>:

Isn't it a dependency of the dependency plugin itself?

On 11 March 2015 at 16:51, Baptiste Mathus <bmat...@batmat.net> wrote:

Well, in that case, since you're asking for the dependency:tree I'm
surprised there's any jar downloaded. Maven would only need pom to
that. Downloading Jars is only done when needed (say for compiling,
Btw, do you really type "mvn dependency:tree pom.xml" ? What do you
The "pom.xml" part is gonna lead to an error since pom.xml is not a
and that's what's supposed to be listed after mvn.

As for your question: I suppose oro is a transitive dependency of one
the things you depend on. mvn dependency:tree should generally show

2015-03-10 15:22 GMT+01:00 D C <dc12...@gmail.com>:

I am trying to download all dependencies from a pom file.  My steps
1. delete .m2/repository
2. mvn dependency:tree pom.xml

Everything looks good, however as I browse the .m2 directory I can
for some artifacts  maven only downloaded the pom file, and did not
download the associated jar.  I then repeat the process on another
file.  This time the jar file is present for that same artifact.

There are multiple artifacts that this happens on, but for
I'm just focusing on oro-2.0.8.   Neither of my poms declare oro,
is a sub-dependency somewhere down the chain.  The process can be
reproduced every time,  and I can see from the output that the
pom file is downloaded from the same location (local artifactory)

Does anyone know why maven would download a pom file, and then not
to download the associated jar?


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Cintia Del Rio

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