Prefer to harden the version # in a corporate pom. Then use
versions-m-p to detect and update bulk dependencies across all our
projects. We manage about 350 dependencies in the corporate pom, and
that doesn't even include the huge number that are scope=import for
Arquillian and Selenium, etc.

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Curtis Rueden <> wrote:
>> I would like to argue for the inclusion / restoration / continued
>> support of the RELEASE and LATEST tags.
> Really? No one else cares enough to respond?
> I am very often running into use cases where the easiest solution seems to
> be LATEST and/or RELEASE. I have to manage a large Bill of Materials POM
> and I need to know things like "which components have new releases
> available" and "which components have SNAPSHOT builds since the last
> release." How do other people answer these questions without custom
> tooling, and without using LATEST or RELEASE tags?
> Regards,
> Curtis
> --
> Curtis Rueden
> LOCI software architect -
> ImageJ2 lead, Fiji maintainer -
> On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Curtis Rueden <> wrote:
>> Hi Maven developers,
>> I would like to argue for the inclusion / restoration / continued support
>> of the RELEASE and LATEST tags.
>> Reasons:
>> 1) There are many valid use cases for them. For example, my script jrun
>> [1] uses RELEASE right now to make it easier to launch a Maven GAV.
>> Launching e.g. the Jython REPL is as easy as "jrun
>> org.python:jython-standalone" from the CLI. But this relies on RELEASE
>> working. I know that Maven is traditionally viewed as primarily a
>> build-time tool, but it is also extremely useful for synthesizing runtime
>> environments, and IMHO underutilized in this regard.
>> 2) For LATEST, you can achieve basically the same behavior using a version
>> range like [0,). There is no other way (that I know of) to achieve what the
>> RELEASE tag does.
>> 3) The argument that they harm reproducibility is totally valid. But so do
>> SNAPSHOTs, and so do version ranges. And those have not been deprecated. So
>> why are RELEASE and LATEST eschewed so heavily?
>> Orthogonally: I think it would be awesome to warn about irreproducible
>> builds, be they from SNAPSHOTs, version ranges, or these special keywords.
>> People need to know when their builds are vulnerable. But there should
>> probably also be a property to disable this warning, for the cases when the
>> developer intentionally wants/needs to use them, and knows what they are
>> doing. If the issue is just that no ones has time to work on e.g. MNG-6206,
>> I could try to make some time for it—I feel strongly enough about this
>> issue.
>> Thanks for any insight, workarounds, counterarguments, agreement.
>> (Especially if you agree: please speak up, so the core Maven devs know I'm
>> not just an outlier here!)
>> Regards,
>> Curtis
>> [1]
>> --
>> Curtis Rueden
>> LOCI software architect -
>> ImageJ2 lead, Fiji maintainer -

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