Thank you for your advice and suggestion!

Your answer made me think that it has to do with poor OS config from my part (that's what happen with mindless copying..:) ). I guess maven is trying to read the $USER and $HOME environment variables of the current user, but since my user 1001 has just the $UID and not the rest of its environment setup, it fails. So it's not added to groups, doesn't have a name, password, home directory, etc.

The workaround that I've found was to specifically pass -Duser.dir=$HOME when invoking maven under user 1001 and it solved my issue.

Thank you!

On 20.02.2018 15:27, Martin Gainty wrote:
mg>diag advice below

From: Dan Pungă <>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 4:00 PM
Subject: maven creates a ? directory instead of .m2 repository

Hello all!

I'm trying to get a Java app deployed in an OpenShift container and I'm
experiencing a strange behaviour.

At build time (firs build), maven is creating a ? directory inside the
context from which it's called (so in my project's root folder) to
create the repository directory and download the build time
dependencies. I'd really want to know why it does that, and make it use
the .m2 location from the home folder. I have a feeling it has to do
with some sort of fishy user permission, but I'm not sure if it's
actually the case or where am I doing wrong.

That's the short description of the problem. My working system is like this:
- on a OpenShift/docker virtual machine running centos 7
- I've installed maven version 3.3.9 from
- I've setup a $HOME directory which contains a .m2 directory that
contains my settings.xml to make maven use a local/cached repository
- this was done under root, but I've recursively changed ownership and
permission to the common user 1001 for what's related to maven

mg>did you follow the steps for useradd here?
How to Add User to root Group on CentOS 5/CentOS 
useradd is a low-level utility to create new users to the system. When used 
without the -D option, useradd command will create a new user account using the 
command ...

mg>what happens when you look at user you see new user (whatever 
name you used)
mg>grep PossibleIncorrectlyInterpretedUserNameInRootGroup /etc/group

- my sources come on this system with a bit if an awkward set of
permissions so that the owner is user (1001), but the group is root

When I run maven with just the targets used for the project, it doesn't
read from the settings.xml, but instead tries to connect to the global

mg> -o option tells maven to run offline

When running maven with the "-s $HOME/.m2/settings.xml" option, it does
take it into consideration and the build works fine, but it is
downloadying all the repository artifacts into ?/repository folder under
the local dir (app folder, the one which holds the pom.xml file).

Any idea what would be the reason for this behaviour?

Thank you in advance!

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