On 1 Mar 2018, at 2:56, Ben Tatham wrote:

> Sounds like you're using gitflow (master, develop, feature/* branches).  If
> so, we use the jgitflow-maven-plugin instead of maven-release-plugin, which
> handles these transitions and the inherent conflicts caused by the maven
> versioning.
> Unfortunately, the maintainer is no longer working on it (and says he's not
> even working in java anymore), but it still works well.

For my own git-flow based releases I have the following `git-mvnrelease` script 
I have on the path:

if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then
    echo "Git is dirty, clean up your mess!"
    exit 1

VERSION=`xml sel -N x="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"; -t -v 
"/x:project/x:version" pom.xml`
ARTIFACTID=`xml sel -N x="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"; -t -v 
"/x:project/x:artifactId" pom.xml`

echo "Removing non-scm files..."
git clean -fdi

echo "Checking master branch for updates..."
git checkout master
git pull origin master

git flow release start $BASEVERSION && mvn release:prepare release:perform && 
git flow release finish -n $BASEVERSION && git push origin && git push origin 

This first checks my working directory is clean, just for safety, extracts the 
pom.xml version for use in branch/tag names.  Switches to my `master` branch 
and makes sure it's up to date, then does a batch release/push.

I don't think I've ever had any issues with maven versioning, unless the 
version number as part of the release/merge has changed to something unexpected.


"The ease with which a change can be implemented has no relevance at all to 
whether it is the right change for the (Java) Platform for all time." — 
Mark Reinhold.

Mark Derricutt

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