On 24-6-2020 00:48:48, Mark Derricutt <m...@talios.com> wrote:
Love the work here - I'll definitely be keen on trying this out and see how it 
interacts with our tiles-maven-plugin.

Regarding this "reactor" bit tho - just because a module is in the reactor, 
doesn't always mean it has the same parent - the version of the dependency 
could be elided if the parent version matched AND that dependency is part of 
the reactor.
Robert Scholte: 
The parent isn't used to resolve the version. If a dependency is missing a 
version, Maven will look up the version by finding the reactor module based on 
the groupId and artifactId.

However, I have seem people use reactors purely as build-coordinators, and not 
always used. I'd much rather seeing them stay - esp. if using version ranges ( 
we force [] ranges for instance ).
Robert Scholte: 
Current behavior shouldn't change, there's just an extra option: don't include 
the version and let Maven embed the right value.


On 24/06/20, 9:20 AM, "Matthieu BROUILLARD" wrote:

> dependencies that are part of the reactor don't need a version anymore
What is meant here ? Is it that in a multimodule project a dependency from
a module to another of the same multimodule does not need the version ? For
example when having an api and impl in the same multimodule, the impl will
not require the version of the api?


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