Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this.

I have overridden the central repository in my pom (with a corporate 
artifactory repo).  On a clean .m2, when I run mvn package, all of my 
dependencies download from this artifactory repo. Perfect.  During this process 
all of the Downloaded/Downloading logs show something like:
"Downloading from central: https://artifactory.....";

Alternatively: On a clean .m2, when I instead run mvn dependency:go-offline, my 
dependencies *start* downloading from my artifactory repo.  After several 
dependencies are downloaded, I start to see a change, and this process starts 
to download from the *original* central repo.  It's as if the override has gone 
stale somehow.

So my logs start out looking like this:
"Downloading from central: https://artifactory.....";
And in the middle of the run, after several successful downloads, shift to 
looking like this:
"Downloading from central: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2....";

This causes problems in my case, as this public repo is blocked for me.

Why is dependency:go-offline ignoring my override of the central repo, after a 
certain point? What am I doing wrong?

(Also: I have seen many people discouraging the override of a repo in pom.xml, 
rather than settings.xml...  so if that will solve it, then I am open to that.. 
  However, I thought it would still *work* if I specified the override in the 


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