
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
Maven Resolver 2.0.0-alpha-8.

This is a seventh *PREVIEW* (alpha-4 was scrubbed) release of upcoming
Maven Resolver 2.0.0 meant for users of Resolver to pick it up and adapt
code if needed. This alpha contains almost all of the planned features and
improvements, and for sure some unplanned bugs as well.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 2.0.0-alpha-8

** Bug
    * [MRESOLVER-483] - PreorderNodeListGenerator bug: may print trailing
** Improvement
    * [MRESOLVER-421] - Extend NamedLock API to carry more than one name
    * [MRESOLVER-484] - The dependencies properties should be provided by
the resolver consumer
    * [MRESOLVER-493] - Support premanaged of optional, exclusions and
properties by DependencyGraphDumper
    * [MRESOLVER-494] - LOCAL_PATH Artifact property really belongs to
"system" scope (or is at least very related to it)
** Task
    * [MRESOLVER-480] - Update "Upgrading Resolver" page
    * [MRESOLVER-491] - Get rid of last "known" scope: system
    * [MRESOLVER-492] - Add toString method for
    * [MRESOLVER-496] - Move Resolver off to NIO2 Paths
** Dependency upgrade
    * [MRESOLVER-485] - Upgrade Jetty dependency to 10.0.20
    * [MRESOLVER-487] - (build) Update to exec-maven-plugin 3.1.1
    * [MRESOLVER-488] - (build) Update to japicmp 0.18.3
    * [MRESOLVER-489] - (build) Update m-javadoc-p to 3.6.3
    * [MRESOLVER-490] - (build) Update bnd-maven-plugin to 6.4.0
    * [MRESOLVER-500] - (build) Upgrade exec-maven-plugin to 3.2.0
    * [MRESOLVER-501] - (build) Upgrade japicmp to 0.18.5

Have fun,
Maven Team

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