On 4/22/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/22/05, Kenney Westerhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Mykel Alvis wrote:
> >
> > Total now $0.04:
> Hmmm... The same argument could be made for removing the artifactID -
> so maybe it should be /artifactId/version/.jar :))

Maybe that idea actually has some merit for a few unknowable edge cases. 

If the manner of accessing the repository were abstracted, one might be able 
to write a repository manager that would retrieve dependencies arbitrarily 
from a service rather than from the filesystem. For instance, someone could 
write a manager that, when supplied with a particular dependency, went and 
retrieved that dependency from a blob in a database, and was therefore 
referenced by an id rather than a filename. 
Not that the two things are different, mind you. You still have to provide 
some indicator for versioning as part of the id. However, based on the 
property service that I think we're going to work on internally here at my 
company, I can see a dependency service that works in a similar fashion. 

As it stands, of course, we have web servers that do this very thing for us, 
making this post a form of development naval-contemplation, since directly 
serving versioned files via http works without complaint.. :) But we could map 
a web-app to the repo and make it auto-resurrect the jar on the fly from a 
database. That could even be mapped that into the maven-proxy code. And 
SNAPSHOTs could be further refined as LIVE to mean an actual build of the 
latest code from the repo. Sure dependency gathering might take 45 minutes, 
but if it was a nightly build who'd care?

Just ranting about an idea that came to me. Sorry. I'll get back on my head 

You're right, but then you have an inconsistency between how snapshots
> and others look, and if you were to download it over the web, you lose
> that version information in the filename.
> Cheers,
> Brett
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