Hi, I am using maven for the first time, so I apologize if this is a
retarded question, but I can't find it anywhere in the docs.

I have an app that is a command line app. I want to create an assembly
that has my jar, along with the other jars that are listed as
dependencies on it.

I tried the "jar-with-dependencies" approach, and that *almost* works,
but one of the jars i am including has some added files in the
META-INF directory, and they do not end up getting included, so the
app fails. Bummer. :(

So, I guess i am looking for one of two things:

1) how can I get *all* the files in the uber jar.


2) how can I get the assembly to just put all the individual dependent
jars in a directory somewhere?

I think I'd prefer #2, but at this point... I'll take what I can get! :-)


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